Saturday, January 19, 2008

January 19 2008

Well guys this is our 3rd cell group meeting in 2008.I was really very encouraged to see so many youth turn up despite they have replacement class today, it must be tiering.

To my group member please forgive me for not being able to finish what we were suppose to finish today, because this week is our group turn to help out the children, that's why we have only limited and insufficient time to complete what we were suppose to do, furthermore it is my first time leading so please accept my apology to you guys.

Lets refresh what we learned today. And to inform those who didn't came today.
Ok the memory verse for this week is Galatians 6:10 "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

In this verse we learn that it is important for us to do good whenever we can, not depending on what situation or circumstances we are in but ALL THE TIME (Every second is an opportunity, it is whether we recognize/realize it as a opportunity or not),

Not only do good to our family members, friends, the people we like/love, but to ALL PEOPLE, including our enemies, people that we don't like, people that are having problem, people that are bad in our view ...etc.

But most important of all, we should first learn and practice how to do good and love our brothers and sisters in Christ first, for we are one family. How can you love or do good to others while you dislike your own family member ? How could you show the love of Jesus to the non-believer while you hate your own family members ? What would others say about that ? They would think that we are hypocrites, acting good to them while doing bad to our own brothers and sisters.

Therefore brothers and sisters let us not do bad (gossip, defame, flaming, insulting...etc) to each other, but practice the love of Jesus between one another, and to the non-believer, so they might be able to see the love of Jesus through us, let our action speaks louder than words to win them for Jesus.

I hope this will help all the group member in understanding the verse from Galatians 6:10.

Besides the memory verses, I would like you all to think about the "Action Plans" which we doesn't have enough time to discuss on it and we will discuss it on the next youth meting. For those who were not here today and doesn't know what the "Action Plan" is, it is actually a plan on how can we achieve our youth mission. 'What we want to do ?' and 'What we are practically going to do to achieve it?' I hope each of you will have at least one practical action plan on the following week.

One more thing, please memorize this verse and our church vision and youth mission statement, for you will be asked to recite it the next week we gather.

Really have lots of fun during dinner time at the Ulu Langat's Gasoline, hope you guys enjoy not only the meal, but also the meaningful time we had together.

Have a nice week, don't forget to do your daily devotion and always walk with God no matter what happen, for you will not be led astray when God is with you and when you put your trust in Him.

~~Keng Lik~~

1 comment:

AGC Vision said...

good work to keep your members reminded of what they learn