Sunday, January 27, 2008

26th Jan 2008

Our 2nd meeting in AGC Chinese Church, Taman Rasmi Jaya. Many youth turn up that day. For any group member who still having trouble going there u can always call the church member for help in transport.

So the verse for the week is:

*Philippians 4:6-7 "Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus"

We learn from this verse that always keep God in your heart and everything you do. Do not be afraid for God is always with you if u have faith in him. Tell God all your troubles and obstacles u are facing. And always in prayer asking Him for help and needs for He can help you in anything u are facing.

Sometimes you may feel that God didnt answer your prayer but God always answer your prayers. In the old testament *=*Psalms 86:7 "I call to You in times of trouble, because you answer my prayers". Your prayers may be answer in a different ways that you may not see. Maybe He have a better route for you to follow as only he knows you and want you to be the best you can be. 1 *Corinthians 2:9 "However, as the scriptures says, What no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought could happen, is the very thing God prepare for those who love him" So fellow member we must always be grateful in prayers and give everything to God so that He can help you during your time of manace.

Let's us pray together. Lord as we bow down we pray that Lord you teach us what You want us to do and help us to obey u faithfully, teach us to serve you with complete devotion. we pray this in Jesus name . Amen.

Fellow member let us see how this verse can be apply in our life and let us share this experience next week during cell group meeting =). Lastly hope you guys have a nice week and remember to walk with God with complete faith.

- Edwin~>.<~ -
P/S Joy brought her friend Micheal Michelle(forgive me if i spell wrong) to church and is delightful to see that everyone in the group willingly shared the gospel to Micheal Michelle. So thumbs up for the group member and Huray! for Joy hehe ^^

Keng Lik:
Errrhem, Micheal is a guy name la brother, I think Joy's friend name is Michelle Ng.

*Note those verse are not from the NIV version but from the "Good New Bible"(because Edwin is using that bible), so there is no error there.

Joy, thank you for bring your friend and sharing your testimony on that day. It was really very encouraging. Continue to bring her the following weeks if possible.

Well I would like all of us to pray for Michelle. Pray that she come to know Christ and pray that the Holy Spirit will open her eyes and ear and touch her heart
while Joy continue to share the gospel to her.

Edwin you have done a great job, Thank you for helping me to update ! Sorry for making you eat those soggy biscuit which looks like puke (according to Angie) but you were the one that choose your own punishment lol.

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